The SPEA Research Center aims to advance the understanding of private equity and venture capital investing which drives the entrepreneurial activity, innovation and productivity.

The center focuses on macro and micro issues relating to PE/VC industry such as capital markets, financing structures, governance and entrepreneurship.

The SPEA center interacts with institutional investors, venture capitalists, buy-out investors, corporate ventures, angel investors, entrepreneurs, portfolio companies, industry lawyers and accountants, industry associations, and the media.

Through these efforts, SPEA center promotes networking that facilitates the pursuit of PE/VC activities.

PE/VC capital statistics

SPEA Research center provide information related to the PE/VC activities at national, regional and global market. This information will be helpful in understanding challenges faced by PE/VC investors, starting with fund rising, investing and disinvesting process. Statistics and data will be result of research activities within Research center and cooperation with similar, international, institutions. European Venture Capital Association has issued new publication analyzing PE/VC industry movements in 2003/2010 period. Within report EVCA team is looking at PE/VC activities trough fund rising, investment process and exit strategies. It provides information what were main fund sources, what were leading sectors for investing and what were leading strategies for exit.

Case studies

SPEA Research center analyze PE/VC backed companies, using public financial statements, which will be helpful in making conclusion is there positive influence on companies’ business.

The analyses look at companies’ finance, number of employees and number of products, before and after PE/VC presence. At first, case studies will be looking at Serbian companies with PE/VC capital.

Successful stories

Within successful stories, SPEA Research center presents worldwide companies backed with PE/VC investing.

This is historical approach in PE/VC activity, covering successful companies such as: Microsoft, Google, FedEx, Starbucks, Apple, etc.


SPEA Research Center works on regional network for collecting and providing information useful for more detailed research activities.

Regional research network covers close countries with PE/VC presence: Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Hungary and Croatia.